日式咖喱块 辣 220g
日式咖喱块 辣 220g

售价: £3.25


商品重量: 220克


这款“S&B Golden Curry Sauce Mix”具有正宗日本咖喱的味道,还带有一种刺激感。它非常容易使用,你可以因此享受一碗正宗的日式咖喱的味道。


1. 900克瘦牛肉(或鸡肉、羊肉或虾)切成小块,选用4个洋葱洗净并切碎。

2. 选用一个平地煎锅,放入油或黄油至煎锅中。待油热后,将肉和洋葱放入油或黄油中搅拌,直到洋葱稍微变黄。3分钟后,如果你愿意,可以加入胡萝卜、芹菜、甜椒或其他蔬菜。

3. 加入1400毫升水,烧开。关小火,盖上锅盖炖至肉质变软。(约15分钟)

4. 将金黄色的咖喱酱拌匀,放入锅中搅拌至完全融化。慢炖5分钟,不停地搅拌。

5. 趁热搭配米饭或面条食用。

Spicy, warming curry goodness.

Enjoy distinct Japanese curry flavours with extra heat in Hot Golden Curry. As easy to use as gravy or chicken stock, this curry roux has retains the slightly sweet, hearty flavour of milder Japanese curries, with enough spice to make your taste buds stand up and pay attention to their surroundings. This pack contains enough delicious and completely vegetarian curry sauce for 12 servings.


Curry was introduced to Japan by the British during the Meiji era of the 1800’s. It has evolved within Japan since then, taking on a unique flavour of its own (normally heartier and a little sweeter than most Indian varieties), and become one of the most commonly utilised flavours in foods such as bread and udon noodles, as well as a much-loved dish in its own right all over the country. Take a look at Japan Centre's Curry & Stew section for a great range of Japanese curry items.

How To Use

• Boil water in a pan.
• Add vegetables such as potato or carrot, and cubes of any meat or protein you fancy.
• Break up curry cubes and add 1 cube per person.
• Stir well and then serve with rice.


Per Serving (20g):
• Energy: 106kcal
• Protein: 1.2g
• Fat: 7.4g
• Carbohydrate: 8.3g
• Salt: 0.86g

Ingredients and allergens

Wheat flour, vegetable oil (palm oil, rapeseed oil), salt, curry powder, sugar, monosodium glutamate, caramel pigment, spices (pepper, chili pepper, garlic, celeryseed, mustard), malic acid, disodium inosinate, disodium guanylate.