龟甲万字减盐酱油(家用) 250ml
龟甲万字减盐酱油(家用) 250ml

售价: £3.60


商品重量: 0克


Kikkoman Soy Sauce - Less Salt 250ml

Kikkoman reduced salt soy sauce is an entirely natural variety, made from soybeans, water, wheat and salt. Three months into the traditional brewing process, the ‘Maillard Reaction’ turns the sauce into a clear, red-brown colour – so no additives or syrups are needed to enhance Kikkoman soy sauce's colour or flavour. The resulting 'less salt soy sauce' is a complex and well-balanced sauce containing 300 natural aroma components. The salt content is reduced using a special fermentation process which retains the unique flavour of traditional Kikkoman soy sauce, but with 43% less salt. 

Use Kikkoman less salt soy sauce as a dipping sauce for sushi and sashimi, or basting, stir frying and roasting. Also use the colours and flavours in fish or meat marinades, vinaigrettes and soup.

Learn more about soy sauce in our soy sauce buyers guide or learn the difference between Chinese and Japanese soy sauce.

Ingredients: Water, soybeans, wheat, salt, ethanol, sugar, acidity regulator. Contains gluten and soya.