味滋康谷物香米醋 500ml
味滋康谷物香米醋 500ml

售价: £4.86


保质期: S

商品重量: 0克


Mizkan Rice Vinegar 500ml

Mizkan is Japan's number one vinegar brand, and this rice vinegar - yonezu or komesu - is the perfect vinegar for making sushi rice. Becuase the Japanese rice vinegar is distilled from rice itself, it is the ideal pairing. The rice vinegar has mild and mellow, delicate sweet rice notes.

Use Mizkan's Japanese rice vinegar together with soy sauce, mirin and sesame oil to form the base of Asian salad dressings. Or warm together with sugar and salt to make seasoning for the perfect sushi rice. This rice vinegar is versatile and great to use in any Japanese recipe.

Ingredients: Distilled vinegar (made from alcohol with rice extract) and water. Diluted with water to 4.5% acidity (45 grain).